Premium Perks

Supporters of Aerial Ace get customizations commands for their servers.

You can support aerial-ace on Patreon, Github, Paypal etc.

Help Command : -aa help

🥉GaleKid Tier | Tier-3

Cost : $1/month

Perks given to the members of this tier.

GaleKid Supporter Role in the support server discord.
Ability to change the Shiny/Rare Catch Embed text anytime.
Priority Support for any issues.
Catch streak detection.

🥈GaleGon Tier | Tier-2

Cost : $5/month

Perks given to the members of this tier.

GaleGon Supporter Role in the support server discord.
Ability to change the Shiny/Rare Catch Embed text anytime.
Priority Support for any issues.
Priority Support for any issues.
Ability to change the Shiny/Rare Catch Embed image anytime.
Exclusive Access to development channels.

🥇GaleKing Tier | Tier-1

Cost : $10/month

Perks given to the members of this tier.

GaleKing Supporter Role in the support server discord.
Ability to change the Shiny/Rare Catch Embed text anytime.
Priority Support for any issues.
Ability to change the Shiny/Rare Catch Embed image anytime.
Exclusive Access to development channels.
Priority Support for any issues.
Fully Customizable Rare/Shiny Catch Embeds [Contact Support Server to avail]
Priority given to commands suggested by the members of this tier.